Friday, October 22, 2010

Post Script: A Little Proof of How Not Perfect I AM

For your enjoyment:

I pick at my fingernails despite paying handsomely to have them done every two weeks.

I own both an N'Sync and Backstreet Boys CD and I'm not ashamed of it.

I've been known to tailgate other drivers - every day.

I grind my teeth.

I get jealous sometimes, but always refuse to admit it.

Compliments literally throw me mentally off-guard.

I Can't. Do. Math.

I have a horrible movie-viewing history and you'd laugh at the classics I've missed.

I combat a fear of form-fitting clothes, daily, even though they look better than baggy ones.

I can't bring myself to leave the house with wet hair.

Did I mention I tailgate?

I've been known to rap - to bad, bad hip-hop songs.
(bad = uncool, literal description BAD)

My face sometimes gets me into trouble. ;)

I've been known to make up my own words and get angry when corrected.

I put Jiff peanut butter in the fridge.

I can't handle mess and disorder very well. Neat-freak is a good depiction.

I have an unhealthy relationship with The Office reruns.

I haven't owned a dress that wasn't black in years.

I refuse to eat cauliflower, cashews, cooked broccoli, sauerkraut, or caviar.

There are others, but this will get me started.
And frankly, these make me laugh a little. :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen to the black dress comment. A friend recently chided me because the majority of my wardrobe consists of dark colors. Well, I happen to look good in black, as I believe most do. So there.
