And I didn't get my driver's license at age 18, but to me that's when my time became way more valuable and I needed point A to yield point B far more quickly.
Over ten years later, I'm still struggling. I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana - a perpetual traffic nightmare compared with the burgs around it where you can calmly break the speed limit and only a corn stalk or a rusted out trailer will see you. That is, unless it's the end of the month, then the coppers are everywhere making quotas.
Fort Wayne driving isn't nearly the level of nerve-wracking that say, Atlanta or Chicago are, but what adds insult to injury is that it ISN'T Atlanta or Chicago. It's FORT WAYNE. An extra-large town rather than a metropolitan behemoth, Fort Wayne doesn't have the street cred for the traffic problems it has year upon year upon year upon year...
One issue that resurfaces (pardon my pun) is the construction. People will hear me complain for days about Fort Wayne's lack of construction control. My motto: do it right the first time and you don't have to redo it as frequently. Apparently Fort Wayne INDOT doesn't subscribe the same way. For proof, check out U.S. State Road 14/Illinois Road some evening if you're jonesing for Bandito's. (Which you should never jones for Bandito's.) I challenge you not to be disgusted. This project has taken nearly two years and it seems the engineers didn't "account for" the big man-made pond. Nice. Needless to say, that artery has been clogged and a consistent auto-wrecker for a long time.
Every downtown street needs a repair due to flooding, poor roadwork, or overuse. Not to mention, we've placed a traffic light at nearly every intersection save the ones where we actually need one to keep people from killing themselves (ex. Rudisill and Fairfield).
Drivers have resorted to running red lights three to four vehicles at a time as frustration levels rise with delays caused by poor-planning road work groups.
Don't start me on train tracks. Taking Thomas to Target or Jefferson Pointe? Forget it. You have to slow to 5 mph (which is damn near impossible) so that you don't lose a wheel or rattle a filling out of your mouth trying to cross. Note, there are two there in a row for you - both poorly maintained and both rickety as hell. Bonus points for catching the train there.
And you know, it's not even the road work that causes me the most frustration. It's that I can't seem to get anywhere quickly. Lunch hours are an exercise in futility. "Ma'am, I'm sorry you drove twenty minutes to get home, but we've blocked the entrance for the next four hours." Gotta tell you officer, that pisses me off. Where would you have me go? I left the stove on and in those four hours, the whole show's gonna blow. You want that on your hands?
Grandpa, I know it's Friday afternoon and you have a phone book booster seat slipping off your bum, but gas your Buick. You got a big car with a big engine that has slipped into geezer status because men like you refuse to gun the hell out of them. Try it. It's exhilarating. Blow your hair back; go 40 mph on Bass Road. I dare you.
I have to concur with BLeave on this too. Why does every 20-50 year old mom have to a) drive an enormous SUV and b) text while driving it. I mean, you're the mother bear - your cubs are in the back and here you are slowing down to send a text forward that sings Jesus Loves Me to your girlfriend back at the office who didn't take the day off to go to Von Maur. Meanwhile, your kids are getting a free amusement park ride in the back as your Escalade or Excursion swings its ass all over the freeway. Listen to the hospitals: Don't Text and Die. And your children are simply innocent victims to your mindless, MarioKart way of navigating the city. I swear if your back panel swings any closer to my car, I'm going to lose it.
So you don't know where you're going. I hear you. I still get a little turned around here in Fort Wayne because of the rivers and the constant street name changes. (Most recently, Huegenard and Hillegas) I get it. Fort Wayne's a little tricky especially if you grew up in Angola and you're panicked because you see Creighton coming up on your right. May I suggest a navigator, a map, or good old fashioned directions? This helps. Please don't crawl from block to block and then stop at intersections where you're not quite sure. You can ALWAYS turn around. Promise. Everything's gonna be alright.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! We've sat here waiting for the longest light ever to change to green and you're still sitting. Nearly forty-five seconds later, you finally get this "oooh, my turn!" gun to the gas and by the time you and the poor sap behind you get through, the rest of us are in for another long stretch of waiting. (ex. Anthony and Coliseum) To me, if you have an army of cars behind you and it's after class or after work, it's in your best interest to step on it.
(Note - soccer mom missed the light and took it red because she was texting and checking her nail polish.)
How many cops does it take to patrol one city block? I rue the day I come up behind a few police officers ( as much as I love their contribution to our city) and every driver slows to just shy of the limit to prevent being arrested. (*laughs) Worse than that, the drivers slow so they have no chance of passing a patrol car because heaven forbid we pass one. I've never seen so many

But I get it.
You don't have insurance or had three brews at lunch. Stakes are high right?
Farm vehicle, eh. You have an errand to run. Maybe you ran out of seed or need a specific tool from Harbor Freight, but it's a nice day so you're driving the combine to town. Dammit. Tractors are sexy, but not when they're plowing pavement at 10 mph between 5 and 6 pm.
Don't start me on mopeds. Gasoline cost is ridiculous and you got a DUI. You still have to drive to work and it's a little far. But do you have to take the fast lane and the middle? It's not fair. You'd make better time and be less of a traffic risk if you had a Big Wheel and a backpack.
Bicycles. I love biking. It's fun and allows you to get some exercise en route to and from work. But know the rules. Know where you can and cannot ride. Stay outta my way! If you're pedaling across US 930 full human speed when the light's red, I am telling you, I have the right of way. Not you. Which reminds me, where are all the kids coming from who are riding along highways on their BMX bikes?! That just doesn't seem safe to me.
Pedestrians, do me a favor. If I'm letting you and the gaggle of shoppers behind you walk through before I park at lease, LEAST, pick up your feet. I may be compelled to knock out a few stragglers if I have to wait too long. At least pretend your hurrying up because our time is mutually valuable. I wasn't put on this earth to watch you strut your stuff. I'm being courteous by not running you over. You really wanna go by Dodge Stratus? I wouldn't.
And I admit it, I'm not very nice behind the wheel. This is one of my own character flaws that causes my passengers immense discomfort as I honk the horn, yank the wheel and yell "dumpers!" and "hurry up!" and "big sh*tter!" en route to our destination. (note - the first and last phrases are shared with one of my best friends and more humorous than anything)
And I apologize to those of you whose horns I honked for you and whose passenger brakes I've squeezed. It's not you, it's me.
You have the right to be a little mad at me sometimes. I can be downright embarrassing and I've once, twice, three times earned my comeuppance. (Like the dudes in Huntington who tried to follow me home; or the old guy who tried to squash me against a guardrail at 85 mph heading north on I65 around Louisville)
I'm Sorry!
It's just me.
Anyone going my way?
I bought a $500 pickup truck. It is a 1990 Dodge, rusted from wheel-well to windshield. It used to be white, but now it is more of an iron-oxide. The exhaust is loud and holey. And it starts every time, and it runs like dream.
ReplyDeleteOh, how I love to drift this wonderful investment through traffic in Fort Wayne. I can get the most distracted cellphone driver, usually a mama or business daddy, to hang up and get the flock out the way when I casually drift into their lane . . . just because I don't care if we bump.
At least I know where my fellow drivers are. (I wish they would look around sometimes.)
Yes, I have insurance, even though my new truck looks suspicious.
And the insurance is really cheap.
I don't talk and drive, text and drive, or drink and drive. I drive and drift at dumbasses to keep them on their toes. It's really fun!
Hey, maybe we'll bump into each other some time.
That's awesome! Warning though, I once hit a motorcycle and have very little respect for my car's "nose." I may just bump into you sometime! Hee hee.
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