It's time to talk realistically about my diet. I hate this part, frankly, because in truth, I try and operate like I can eat anything I want without consequence. Unfortunately, this simply isn't the case. I'm not exempt and the evidence is clear that I know what I should and should not eat; however, I need to put science to action here when it comes to filling my plate.
Over the past few months, I've identified the nasty culprits, the usual suspects if you will - foods that pretty much fall into one or both of the following categories:
1) Terrible for you and/or I cannot control the portions when faced with the option
2) Never seem to agree with my body and/or instantly stalls out my weight loss
Here they are. These are my Most Wanted List members and these are the items I need to refrain from eating. Living on the low end of the glycemic index is what works for me and my metabolism and these nasties just keep holding me back.
1. Ranch dressing
(see: http://indianaworkingwoman.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-love-affair-with-ranch-dressing-fat.html)
I have fallen into that camp where Ranch Dressing goes with just about anything and it's totally kicking my ass.
2. Delivery pizza
I have never believed in just two pieces and the temptation to eat the leftovers for breakfast doesn't help. I do pretty well with thin-crust/healthier versions, but those are few and far between.
3. Nachos

I simply cannot be trusted with nachos.
4. Pasta (of any kind)
There is something about pasta that just destroys everything for me. I eat one serving of spaghetti and I gain pounds before it's digested. I have never found a healthy way to eat pasta and most pasta is nearly devoid of nutritional value.
5. M & Ms candy
I've managed to steer clear of these, but when I see a bowl of them, handfuls become the serving size when one bag is nearly 250 calories alone!
6. Dorito's
I've been known to hog the bag at parties. I am ashamed of this one.
7. French Fries
I used to avoid these like the plague, but lately I've been making an exception and there is no really good reason to eat a French fry.
8. Beer
Very empty calories that could be spent on nutritious foods. Can be substituted for healthier beverage options. Even red wine is a better choice.
9. Rice.
Believe it or not, even I can overindulge on brown rice.
10. All things salty-snacky.
Ever tried those awesome little garlic sesame sticks? Or trail mix? Or Chex Mix (my God! I like Chex Mix) In fact, my whole approach to the holidays is filling up on snacks because I don't give a flying fig about turkey and potatoes. I'm known to skip dessert and most of the meal in exchange for eating my weight in hors d'oevres.
So, what's the point of this list? One, I'm shaming myself a little because I'm supposed to be all gung-ho about being fit and these bad boys haven't been addressed fully yet. Secondly, I need to identify what thwarts my efforts. I mean, what's the point of running three miles only to go out and eat a 1,000 calorie meal?
I also realize that I don't need a diet, I need to get real. I need to accept that I can't eat whatever I want or eat even healthy foods in ginormous amounts. I can't do that and reach any of my goals. I can't stay true to what I tell other people if I can't even resist the chip bag.
I've started working some personal training into my fitness program and I have to stand firm on my food weaknesses or this added expense and commitment isn't going to help me at all. If nothing, it'll become the equivalent of flushing money down the toilet or burning it. How can I ask someone else to hold me accountable when I won't?
So here goes...rather...I keep going. Each set-back is a lesson and each lesson leads to greater things in the future.
What are your usual suspects?